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The Barrow & Buxton Update - a free webinar

Recruitment and Retention - Underperforming and Misbehaving - the latest

Join us for a free webinar on Monday 13th November from 19:00 to 20:00! Since we last covered the topics mentioned, much has happened:

Staff wages continue to increase at a rate unprecedented in the last 25 years - the KPI for wages has, in some cases, increased from 17.50% to 25.00% of sales - put another way, your wages bill may have gone up by 40%!

  • It seems to be as tough as ever to recruit good team players - poor performance at interviews, not turning up for interviews, agreeing to start and then not turning up for work!

  • taking people on out of desperation (just to fill a gap) and then having to deal with poor performance and attitude;

  • dealing with team members who have either spotted better wages elsewhere or who have been headhunted by neighbouring competitors;

  • continued challenges in clinical recruitment - getting responses and negotiating remuneration (with some clinical team members playing the same “I’ve been offered more elsewhere” card).

It’s a tough landscape - and so Chris Barrow and Sarah Buxton will be on hand to answer your questions and to offer suggestions as to how best to deal with the issues raised here.

  • Would you like your existing team to perform and behave according to your brand standards and core values?

  • Would you to know how to recruit ideal team players?

  • Would you like to know what to say when those pay demands come in?

  • Would you like to keep your best people and attract more of the same?

  • Would you like to know how to cover the inevitable pay rises without reducing your own profit?

Join us for an hour of tough questions, straight answers and examples of best practice. FREE REGISTRATION DETAILS HERE

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